The essence of virtue
is that the whole is not led astray by the part.
-Nigel Richmond
The endeavor to understand
is the first and only basis of virtue.
-Baruch Spinoza
Virtue is reason
which has become energy.
-Friedrich Schlegel
Virtue lies in the right
employment and disposition of energy.
-N. Sri Ram
Virtue consists in actions,
and not in words.
-Wiliam Godwin
Virtue is more clearly shown
in the performance of fine actions
and the non-performance of base ones.
The virtues, like the body,
become strong more by labour than by nourishment.
-Johann Paul Friedrich Richter
All human virtues increase and strengthen themselves
by the practice and experience of them.
The virtues are together so closely intertwined
That he who one possess may all the others find.
-Angelus Silesius
Great necessities call out great virtues.
-Abigail Adams
All you have really to do
is to keep your back as straight as you can;
and not think about what is upon it -
above all, not to boast of what is upon it.
The real and essential meaning of "virtue"
is in that straightness of back.
-John Ruskin
Courage is not simply one of the virtues,
but the form of every virtue at its testing point.
-Cyril Connolly
Virtue is nothing else
but action in accordance with the laws of one's own nature.
-Baruch Spinoza
Character is based on virtuous action
and virtuous action is grounded on truth.
-Mohandas Gandhi
Virtue is both a sense of ethics
and  force of personality.
-Deng Ming-Dao
Virtue, perhaps,
is nothing more than politeness of soul.
-Honore de Balzac
If self-knowledge is the road to virtue,
so is virtue still more the road to self-knowledge.
-Jean Paul Friedrich Richter
Virtue is true self-interest pursued.
-Edward Young
The highest proof of virtue
is to possess boundless power without abusing it.
-Thomas Babington McCaulay
Assume a virtue
if you have it not.
-William Shakespeare
Is virtue a thing remote?
I wish to be virtuous,
and lo! virtue is at hand.
-William Shakespeare
Effortlessness is a sign of deep virtue.
-Deng Ming-Dao
Make virtue a necessity.
-Geoffrey Chaucer
The only path to a tranquil life
is through virtue.
The quality of virtue can only be
where there is no conflict whatsoever.
-Jiddu Krishnamurti
If virtue precede us
every step will be safe.
-Lucius Annaeus Seneca
Virtue is harmony.
Virtue, like health,
is the harmony of the whole man.
-Thomas Carlyle
Virtue is the music of the soul,
the harmony of the passions;
it is the order, the symmetry,
the interior beauty of the mind;
the source of the truest pleasures,
the fountain of the sublimest
and most perfect happiness.
-Mary Collyer
Woman's virtue is the music of stringed instruments,
which sound best in a room;
but man's that of wind instruments,
which sound best in open air.
-Johann Paul FriedrichRichter
Virtue is the health, true state,
natural complexion of the Soul.
-Benjamin Whichcote
The virtues, like the Muses, are always seen in groups.
A good principle was never found solitary in any breast.
-Jane Porter
Constancy is the complement
of all other human virtues.
-Giuseppe Mazzini
The greatest virtues
are those which are most useful to other persons.
Beauty adorns virtue.
-Leonardo da Vinci
Every virtue is but an expression of beauty.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Modesty is the color of virtue.
Virtue is like a rich stone,
best plain set.
-Francis Bacon
Virtues, like essences,
lose their fragrance when exposed.
-William Shenstone
Virtue is like precious odors -
most fragrant when they are incensed or crushed.
-Francis Bacon
Respect, consideration, reverence,
kindness, compassion and sympathy,
forgiveness and gratefulness,
all these virtues can be best adorned
by subtlety of expression.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
The less a man knows about his virtues,
the better he like him.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Love alone is a fountain
from which all virtues fall
as drops of sparkling water.
-Hazrat Inayat Khan
Virtue is the fount
whence honour springs.
-Christopher Marlowe
Who sows virtue
reaps honor.
-Leonardo da Vinci
In virtue there is always reward
-The Oculatum
Virtue is herself
her own coveted reward.
The only reward for virtue is virtue.
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Recommend to you children virtue,
that alone can make them happy, not gold.
-Ludwig von Beethoven
With virtue you cannot be entirely poor.
Without it you cannot be really rich.
-Chinese Proverb
Virtue could see to do
what Virtue would by her own radiant light,
though sun and moon were in the flat sea sunk.
-John Milton
Virtue is the truest nobility.
-Miguel de Cervantes
Virtue alone is the unerring sign
of a noble soul.
-Nicholas Boileau
Virtue is the only friend
that accompanies man beyond death.
-The Mahabharata